TAPE 1.3.8

Tape 1.3.8 is now available with features and changes to improve the user experience.

::  Single click text editing of collections and items
::  Dismiss and hide collections to the bottom
::  New default theme
::  New logo
::  Reduced notification badge count on MacOS
::  Updated welcome guide

Aeriform is entirely funded from product sales and patron support. If you would like to support us https://patreon.com/aeriform


aeriform_tape_1.3.8_mac_r2021092101.zip 57 MB
Sep 22, 2021
aeriform_tape_1.3.8_win_r2021092101.zip 42 MB
Sep 22, 2021
aeriform_tape_1.3.8_linux_r2021092101.zip 56 MB
Sep 22, 2021

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Could we have the option to load different Collection sets for different projects? 

Thank you very much for the work you are still doing on this. I'm daily driving azerty keyboards and i cannot use the ~ key since it overlaps with the 2 key, which is used for setting statuses.

Is there any way a fix can be passed that allows us to edit this shortcut ? or perhaps could you give another way of resetting the status on an element ? Right now i have to delete the element and do it anew to remove the status when i make a mistake.

Thank you for reaching out. If I understand you, you are trying to set the status back to Neutral and not able to use the ~. You should be able to click through the states on the right side of each item, and also press 0 on the keyboard. Does that work ?

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you for reaching out. Are you running Tape via the itch app ? If so please run it externally. If you are trying to drop in a theme that is in a .zip file, please extract them to a folder first.

How do I get back the default theme?


Nvm. I found out: “Cmd/ctrl + shift + T”