I wanted to give a personal thank you to everyone who has tried out TAPE.

Since being included in the bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, the reaction and interest from the community has been incredible. There have now been over 8000 downloads since the initial launch in 2018. 5000 of those have been only the last 2 days.

A massive thank you to everyone that downloaded TAPE, and is now working with it on their own projects or to keep organised in general. Especially those that are leaving feedback, reviews and even some purchases independent of the bundle.

This has been amazing and we hope to continue the development of TAPE with you with us.

I am truly honoured and humbled. Thank you.

Founder . Aerıform

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This is a really useful application, I am using it to keep track of a project i've started recently, and just having a way to keep track of what i've done and what is left to do is great - if I find myself with some spare time I can go to the list, pick a thing, and get started!


I've just got the Racial Justice and Equality bundle and TAPE was one of my first downloads, it's just perfect. Thanks!

(2 edits) (+3)

The thanks goes to you good sir.. i bought the bundle and so far this is the most useful thing i have found in there (still much to discover) but this is now a tool i use every day, is a to do list for my projects.. i love it, you deserved all this attention to this project, congratulations!

also i use Linux, maybe does not matter to you but it does to me :D thanks for making it available for the penguin!